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SceneNode Methods

The SceneNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddChild Adds the specified SceneNode to the ChildNodes collection of this SceneNode
Public methodAddChildren Adds child SceneNodes to the ChildNodes collection of this SceneNode
Public methodCleanAllDirtyFlags Clean dirty flags on this and child nodes. This is called after a frame was rendered.
Public methodClearChildNodes Removes all SceneNodes from the ChildNodes collection
Public methodFindNode Searches the ChildNodes recursively and returns the SceneNode with the specified name if found; else returns null.
Public methodForEachChildNodeT ForEachChildNode calls the childNodeFoundAction for each SceneNode of type T that is find in the hierarchy of the child SceneNodes starting at this SceneNode's ChildNodes.
Public methodGetAllDescendantNodes Returns an enumerable of this SceneNode and all SceneNode that are children of this SceneNode and its children - gets all SceneNode in the hierarchy tree below this SceneNode as flat IEnumerable.
Public methodGetChildNode Returns a child SceneNode object with the specified index.
Public methodGetDetailsText Returns string that tells details about this SceneNode
Public methodStatic memberGetSceneNodesBounds Returns the Bounds of the scene nodes that are children of the rootSceneNode. The sceneNodesFilter Func can be used to choose which scene nodes to use.
Public methodGetTotalTransformMatrix Returns a SharpDX.Matrix that represents the transformation from the Root SceneNode to this SceneNode. The includeThisTransform parameter specifies if transformation from this SceneNode is also included in the returned matrix.
Public methodInsertChild Inserts the specified SceneNode to the ChildNodes collection to the specified index
Public methodLock Locks the SceneNode which make it unchangable. Note that Lock can be called only when the DirtyFlags are Unchanged - there are no changes made on this SceneNode.
Public methodLockChildNodes LockChildNodes method locks ChildNodes and prevents changing them. After locking SceneNodes they cannot be unlocked again. This is used mostly by SceneNodes that does not contain any ChildNodes - for example for MeshObjectNode.
Public methodNotifyAllChildSceneNodesChange Add the changeType to all child SceneNodes. This does not change this SceneNode's dirty flags.
Public methodNotifyAllParentSceneNodesChange Add the changeType to all parent SceneNodes. This does not change this SceneNode's dirty flags.
Public methodNotifySceneNodeChange Add the SceneNodeDirtyFlags to this SceneNode's DirtyFlags flags. This methods also calls NotifyChange on parent DXScene.
Public methodRemoveChild Removes the specified SceneNode from the ChildNodes collection
Public methodRemoveChildAt Removes the SceneNode at the specified index from the ChildNodes collection
Public methodReplaceChild(Int32, SceneNode) Replaces the SceneNode at the specified index with the newChildNode
Public methodReplaceChild(SceneNode, SceneNode) Replaces the currentChildNode with the newChildNode
Public methodToString Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodUnLock Unlocks the SceneNode.
Public methodUpdate Update method is called on each update phase (before render phase)
Public methodUpdateBounds Updates the bounds of this SceneNode if the dirty flags indicates that the bounds could be changed of if the forceUpdate parameter is set to true
Public methodUpdateWorldBoundingBox Updates the worldBounds field based on the current worldMatrix and Bounds.
Public methodUpdateWorldMatrix UpdateWorldMatrix checks if dirty flags indicate that the final world matrix for this SceneNode needs to be recalculated.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetGeometryModel3D Returns a WPF's GeometryModel3D that was used to create the specified sceneNode. If the sceneNode does not define a GeometryModel3D object, then null is returned.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodGetModel3D Returns a WPF's Model3D that was used to create the specified sceneNode. If the sceneNode does not define a Model3D object, then null is returned.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodGetModelVisual3D Returns a WPF's ModelVisual3D that was used to create the specified sceneNode or any parent SceneNode (in case searchParentSceneNodes is true). If a SceneNode that defines a ModelVisual3D is not found, then null is returned.
(Defined by Extensions)
Public Extension MethodGetVisual3D Returns a WPF's Visual3D that was used to create the specified sceneNode or any parent SceneNode (in case searchParentSceneNodes is true). If a SceneNode that defines a Visual3D is not found, then null is returned.
(Defined by Extensions)
See Also