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FillCommandBufferRenderingStep Class

FillCommandBufferRenderingStep is an abstract RenderingStep that is used to fill CommandBuffers with commands to render the RenderingItem. The derived classes should call RenderRenderingLayer(CommandBuffer, RenderingLayer, RenderingContext) and and can set overrideEffectTechnique and filterObjectsFunction protected fields.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.RenderingSteps
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 1.0.8740+deb2991acfe86a95cca780cd4f82bcae2805c1a5
public abstract class FillCommandBufferRenderingStep : RenderingStep

The FillCommandBufferRenderingStep type exposes the following members.

Protected methodFillCommandBufferRenderingStep Constructor
Protected methodRenderRenderingLayer RenderRenderingLayer renders the specified RenderingLayer by filling the commands to the specified CommandBuffer.
Protected methodReportStatistics ReportStatistics can be called to report draw calls and other statistics to RenderingStatistics.
Public methodSaveExecutionTimeStatistics SaveExecutionTimeStatistics is called when we are collecting statistics. The implementation of the method should save or add the elapsedMilliseconds to the corresponding property in the RenderingStatistics class.
(Overrides RenderingStepSaveExecutionTimeStatistics(Double, RenderingStatistics))
Protected fieldfilterObjectsFunction Gets or sets a filter function that can be used to filter the objects that will be rendered (returning false for object that are not rendered).
Protected fieldoverrideEffectTechnique When not null, then the specified EffectTechnique is used to render all RenderingItems that are rendered by this RenderObjectsRenderingStep.
See Also