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PixelMaterialSetTexture Method

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Public methodSetTexture(ShaderResourceView, Size2, SamplerState, BlendState, String) SetTexture method sets the specified texture to be rendered for each pixel. This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. When rendering texture, AlphaClipThreshold is set to 0.5 (pixel with alpha color values below this value will be clipped). To remove the texture, set the pixelTexture to null or call RemoveTexture.
Public methodSetTexture(ShaderResourceView, Size2, Color4, SamplerState, BlendState, String) SetTexture method sets the specified texture to be rendered for each pixel. This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. This also sets the PixelColor to colorMask. When rendering texture, AlphaClipThreshold is set to 0.5 (pixel with alpha color values below this value will be clipped). To remove the texture, set the pixelTexture to null or call RemoveTexture.
See Also