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DXView Methods

The DXView type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginInit BeginInit begins initializing the DXView. The DXView will not render the scene until the EndInit is calls. This allows to make multiple changes without rendering the scene after each change.
(Overrides FrameworkElementBeginInit)
Public methodStatic memberCollect3DObjectNames Collect3DObjectNames gets names of all internal fields in parentObject that contains internal fields defined in XAML (for example Window or UserControl) that are derived from Visual3D, Model3D or DXSceneViewChild and stores them in Dictionary of object as key and object name as value.
Public methodCreateObjectNames CreateObjectNames uses reflection on parentObject (Window or UserControl) to get the names of internal fields that are created from XAML. This method calls Collect3DObjectNames method.
Public methodDispose Dispose
Public methodDumpRenderingSteps Writes string that contains details about all RenderingSteps in the DXScene that is used to render this DXView to the console (when the application is debugged in Visual Studio the string is written to Output window). When using child DXViews, then their RenderingSteps are written too.
Public methodEndInit EndInit needs to be called after BeginInit was called for the changes to take effect.
(Overrides FrameworkElementEndInit)
Public methodStatic memberGetDpiScale Returns the dpiScaleX and dpiScaleY of the specified WPF visual (can be window or any other WPF control).
Public methodStatic memberGetDXAttributeCollection Gets the value of the DXAttributeCollectionProperty from the specified element
Public methodGetRenderingStepsDumpString Returns string that contains details about all RenderingSteps in the DXScene that is used to render this DXView. When using child DXViews, then their RenderingSteps are shown too.
Public methodGetSceneNodeForWpfObject GetSceneNodeForWpfObject returns the SceneNode in DXScene that was created to represent the wpfObject. The method returns null if SceneNode is not found.
Public methodInitializeScene Initialize the DXScene or WPF 3D. This method is usually called in DXView Loaded event but it can be called manually before Loaded event to create the DXScene, DXDevice and other related objects.
Public methodLogUserMessage LogUserLabel can be used to add custom user message to DXEngine log file. This method work only with debug DXEngine build and with enabled logging. It added the "USER MESSAGE: " prefix to log entry.
Public methodRefresh Forces update and rendering of the scene
Public methodRenderScene(Boolean) RenderScene rendered the scene. If forceUpdate is false (by default) then the scene is rendered only if there are any changes in the scene nodes.
Public methodRenderScene(Boolean, Boolean) RenderScene rendered the scene. If forceRender is false then the scene is rendered only if there are any changes in the scene nodes. If forceUpdate is true then the RenderingQueues are always regenerated (otherwise RenderingQueues are regenerated only when this is required because of the changes).
Public methodRenderToBitmap RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene to bitmap. The size of the bitmap is the same as the current size of this DXView.DXRenderPixelSize. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(WriteableBitmap, Int32, Int32), RenderToBitmap(DXViewRenderedBitmapReadyDelegate, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean).
Public methodRenderToBitmap(WriteableBitmap, Int32, Int32) RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene the specified WriteableBitmap. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap, RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(DXViewRenderedBitmapReadyDelegate, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean).
Public methodRenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double) RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene to bitmap with specified width, height, multi-sampling and super-sampling count and DPI. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap, RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(WriteableBitmap, Int32, Int32), RenderToBitmap(DXViewRenderedBitmapReadyDelegate, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean).
Public methodRenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene to bitmap with specified width, height, multi-sampling count and DPI. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap, RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(WriteableBitmap, Int32, Int32), RenderToBitmap(DXViewRenderedBitmapReadyDelegate, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean).
Public methodRenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean) RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene to bitmap with specified width, height, multi-sampling and super-sampling count and DPI. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap, RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double), RenderToBitmap(WriteableBitmap, Int32, Int32).
Public methodRenderToBitmap(DXViewRenderedBitmapReadyDelegate, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean) RenderToBitmap renders the 3D scene and then calls the specified renderedBitmapReadyCallback where user can copy rendered bitmap from the mapped GPU mapped memory to main memory. See remarks for a code sample for a OnRenderedBitmapReady method. See also other overrides of RenderToBitmap method: RenderToBitmap, RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double), RenderToBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean).
Public methodStatic memberSetDXAttributeCollection Sets the DXAttributeCollectionProperty to the specified element
Public methodSetObjectNames(DictionaryObject, String) SetObjectNames sets a dictionary with object as key and name as value that can be used to name the created SceneNodes. This method must be called before the RootNode is created.
Public methodSetObjectNames(DictionaryString, Object) SetObjectNames sets a dictionary with object as key and name as value that can be used to name the created SceneNodes. This method must be called before the RootNode is created.
Public methodUpdate Update method checks all child SceneNodes and checks if any changes has been created and if rendering is required.
See Also