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InstancedTextNodeAddText(String, Color, Point3D, Double, Boolean) Method

Add the specified text to the InstancedTextNode with using simple position and size parameters. The orientation of the text is defined by the SetTextDirection(Vector3D, Vector3D) method.

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Models
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf (in Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.dll) Version: 7.0.8865.1045
public InstancedText AddText(
	string text,
	Color color,
	Point3D position,
	double size,
	bool hasBackSide


text  String
text to add
color  Color
color of the text
position  Point3D
lower left position of the first character
size  Double
size of the characters in 3D coordinates
hasBackSide  Boolean
when true, then the text will be visible from the back side (another instance of the text will be rendered to show the back size)

Return Value

InstancedText that can be used to change the shown text.
See Also