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WpfMaterial Fields

The WpfMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGradientBrushTextureSize DefaultGradientBrushTextureSize static field defines the width and height of the RenderTargetBitmap that is created when a GradientBrush (LinearGradientBrush or RadialGradientBrush) is rendered into texture that is used in DXEngine. The value can be overridden by RenderedBrushTextureWidth and RenderedBrushTextureHeight properties.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultVisualBrushTextureSize DefaultVisualBrushTextureSize static field defines the width and height of the RenderTargetBitmap that is created when a VisualBrush is rendered into texture that is used in DXEngine. The value can be overridden by RenderedBrushTextureWidth and RenderedBrushTextureHeight properties.
Public fieldStatic memberLoadDdsIfAvailable When LoadDdsIfAvailable is set to true (false by default) the texture loader will check if there is a dds file with the same name but dds file extension. If dds file exist, it is loaded instead of the specified file. This can greatly improve load performance and memory usage. The check is done only on BitmapImages that do not have CacheOption set to OnLoad - in this case the bitmap is already loaded into BitmapImage.
See Also