Click or drag to resize

ZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection Properties

The ZoomPanelZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentIndex
Gets the index of the current item.
Public propertyCurrentItem
Gets the current history item that contains the Viewbox and RotationAngle.
Public propertyIsBackAvailable
Gets a boolean that specifies if we can move to the previous (older) history item.
Public propertyIsNextAvailable
Gets a boolean that specifies if we can move the next (newer) history item.
Public propertyIsSuspended
Gets a boolean that specifies if adding new items is currently suspended.
Public propertyItemsCount
Gets the number of saved items currently in the history.
Public propertyMaxItems
Gets or sets the maximum number of saved history items. Special values: 0 = history is disabled, -1 = unlimited
See Also