Click or drag to resize

Ab2d.Controls Namespace

Ab2d.Controls namespace
Public classActualViewboxChangedEventArgs
Event args used to notify that the current ActualViewbox value on ViewboxEx has changed.
Public classBaseMiniMap
BaseMiniMap is a base class for ZoomPanelMiniMap and ViewboxExMiniMap.
Public classNavigationCircle
NavigationCircle controls shows left, right, up, down and center buttons that can be used for navigation.
Public classNavigationSlider
NavigationSlider is a control that is derived from standard Slider control and has customized look for using it in zooming in and out scenarios.
Public classNavigatorSliderValueChangedRoutedEventArgs
Routed event args used to notify that the zoom slider value in ZoomPanelNavigator has changed. The NewZoomFactor value can be changed in the event handler.
Public classCode exampleRectAnimation
Animates the value of a System.Windows.Rect property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Public classRectChangedEventArgs
Event args used to notify that the Rect has changed
Public classViewboxChangedRoutedEventArgs
Routed event args used to notify that the current Viewbox value on ZoomPanel has changed
Public classCode exampleViewboxEx
ViewboxEx is a container control that extends the WPF's Viewbox control by additionally specifying the Viewbox property that defines the area that will be shown by the Viewbox.
Public classViewboxExMiniMap
ViewboxExMiniMap can show mini map from the ViewboxEx control.
Public classCode exampleZoomController
ZoomController is the default ZoomPanel controller that can be placed on the user interface and can be used to control the current ZoomMode of the ZoomPanel.
Public classZoomModeChangedRoutedEventArgs
Routed event args used to notify that the current zoom mode on ZoomPanel has changed
Public classCode exampleZoomPanel
ZoomPanel control enables zooming and panning the content of the control with a mouse, with touch and multi-touch gestures.
Public classZoomPanelHistoryItemsChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the CurrentHistoryItemChanged event on ZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection.
Public classZoomPanelZoomPanelHistoryItem
ZoomPanelHistoryItem class contains Viewbox and RotationAngle that define one state of the ZoomPanel.
Public classZoomPanelZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection
ZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection class contains data about history items and methods to navigate the history.
Public classZoomPanelDump
ZoomPanelDump can be used to preview the Viewbox and other ZoomPanel property values.
Public classCode exampleZoomPanelMiniMap
ZoomPanelMiniMap can show mini map from the ZoomPanel control.
Public classZoomPanelNavigator
ZoomPanelNavigator control can be used to control the ZoomPanel with buttons to move around and with slider to control the ZoomFactor.
Public delegateBaseMiniMapViewboxChangedRoutedEventHandler
Public delegateRectChangedEventHandler
RectChangedEventHandler delegate
Public delegateViewboxExActualViewboxChangedEventHandler
ActualViewboxChangedEventHandler is used with ActualViewboxChanged event.
Public delegateZoomPanelCustomContentProviderDelegate
Delegate declaration used for to register ZoomPanel to show custom content.
Public delegateZoomPanelHistoryItemsChangedEventHandler
Delegate for the CurrentHistoryItemChanged event on ZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection.
Public delegateZoomPanelViewboxChangedRoutedEventHandler
Public delegateZoomPanelZoomModeChangedRoutedEventHandler
Public delegateZoomPanelZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollectionGetCurrentItemCallbackDelegate
GetCurrentItemCallbackDelegate is used to get the ZoomPanelHistoryItem with the current Viewbox and RotationAngle.
Public delegateZoomPanelNavigatorNavigatorSliderValueChangedRoutedEventHandler
Public delegateZoomPanelNavigatorZoomFactorCalculatorDelegate
Delegate that is used to calculate ZoomFactor from slider value and vice-versa.