Click or drag to resize

ZoomPanel Properties

The ZoomPanel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualContentBounds
Gets the Bounds of the contents of a ZoomPanel after the transformation were applied to it.
Public propertyActualViewbox
Gets the Rect that describes the area of the content that is actually visible on the screen.
Public propertyAnimationDuration
Duration of zoom change animation. Default value is 200 milliseconds.
Public propertyCanHorizontallyScroll
Public propertyCanVerticallyScroll
Public propertyCenterPosition
Gets or sets the position that specifies which point of the content will be positioned in the center of the ZoomPanel. The value is in the units (Absolute / Relative) specified by the CenterPositionUnits property.
Public propertyCenterPositionUnits
Gets or sets units in which the CenterPosition is specified. Default value is Relative.
Public propertyStatic memberChangeZoomModeCommand
Public propertyExtentHeight
Public propertyExtentWidth
Public propertyHistoryItems
Provides access to the collection of history items and methods to navigate the history.
Public propertyHorizontalOffset
Public propertyIsAnimated
If True than zoom changes are animated. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsCustomContent
Gets a value that indicates if ZoomPanel is currently in custom content mode.
Public propertyIsHistoryEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if ZoomPanel is saving history of the previous Viewbox and RotationAngle values. Default value is false.
Public propertyIsMouseWheelZoomEnabled
Gets or sets if zooming with mouse wheel is enabled or disabled. Default value is true (enabled).
Public propertyIsPanningAnimated
If true than also mouse panning is animated, if false mouse panning has immediate effect. Default value is false.
Public propertyIsToggleZoomModeEnabled
Gets or sets if zoom mode toggling is enabled. If true than when setting zoom mode once again to the current zoom mode, the zoom mode goes to None. This is useful for ZoomControllers when for example clicking for the first time on Move button sets the ZoomMode to Move. Clicking on Move button again disables Move mode - goes to None ZoomMode. Default value is true (enabled).
Public propertyIsTouchEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if touch and multi-touch control is enabled. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsTouchMoveEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if moving with touch is enabled. Default value is true. NOTE: Touch controls work only with .Net 4 build of ZoomPanel (or newer).
Public propertyIsTouchRotateEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if rotating with multi-touch is enabled. Default value is true. NOTE: Touch controls work only with .Net 4 build of ZoomPanel (or newer).
Public propertyIsTouchScaleEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if scaling with multi-touch pinch is enabled. Default value is true. NOTE: Touch controls work only with .Net 4 build of ZoomPanel (or newer).
Public propertyIsViewboxLimited
Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies if ViewboxLimits is used to limit the ZoomPanel.
Public propertyIsZoomPositionPreserved
Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the position of the point where zooming in or out occurs is preserved. If false than zooming is also centering the zooming point. Default value is true.
Public propertyStatic memberLicenseInfo
License information
Public propertyMouseWheelZoomFactor
Gets or sets the zoom factor that is applied to mouse wheel zooming. The value must be bigger or equal than 1. This value is used for zoom in factor. The zoom out factor is calculated in GetZoomOutFactor method as 1 / zoom factor (can be overridden in derived class).
Public propertyStatic memberMoveDownCommand
Public propertyStatic memberMoveLeftCommand
Public propertyStatic memberMoveRightCommand
Public propertyStatic memberMoveUpCommand
Public propertyRectangleFill
Fill Brush of the Rectangle used in Rectangle ZoomMode. Default value is #46AAAAFF - semi-transparent light blue.
Public propertyRectangleStroke
Stroke of the Rectangle used in Rectangle ZoomMode. Default value is Blue.
Public propertyStatic memberResetCommand
Public propertyStatic memberResetToLimitsCommand
Public propertyRotationAngle
Gets or sets the rotation angle in degrees, that determines the angle with witch the content of the ZoomPanel is rotated around the center of the ZoomPanel.
Public propertyScrollLineSizeInPercent
Size in percent of the line when scrolling with ScrollViewer. The size is used when the bottom, up, left or right arrow on scroll slider is clicked. When scrolling with mouse wheel, the line size is multiplied with the value of scroll wheel settings from Control Panel. For example 0.1 scrolls the content of ZoomPanel by 10%.
Public propertyScrollOwner
Public propertyStatic memberSetMoveModeCommand
Public propertyStatic memberSetNoneZoomModeCommand
Public propertyStatic memberSetRectangleModeCommand
Public propertyStatic memberSetZoomInModeCommand
Public propertyStatic memberSetZoomOutModeCommand
Public propertyStretch
Gets or sets the ZoomPanel System.Windows.Media.Stretch mode, which determines how content fits into the available space.
Public propertyUsedViewboxEx
Gets the ViewboxEx control that is used to show the content of ZoomPanel.
Public propertyUseLowQualityBitmapScalingModeWhenAnimating
Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if LowQuality BitmapScalingMode is used when animating zooming. After zooming is complete the BitmapScalingMode is set to the previous quality setting. This mode works only when the Image is an immediate child of ZoomPanel. By default this property is set to false (using HighQuality mode) except in case WPF is running on lower tier hardware (RenderCapability.Tier is less that 2).
Public propertyVerticalOffset
Public propertyViewbox
Gets or sets the current viewbox as Rect used to determine which part of ZoomPanel's content is shown.
Public propertyViewboxLimits
Gets or sets the System.Rect that limits the maximum Viewbox size used by ZoomPanel - the maximum zoom out level.
Public propertyViewboxMinSize
Gets or sets the System.Size that limits the Viewbox minimum size used by ZoomPanel - the maximum zoom in level.
Public propertyViewportHeight
Public propertyViewportWidth
Public propertyZoomFactor
Gets or sets the zoom factor that defines how much the content of the ZoomPanel is scaled (1 - no scale; >1 - zoom in; <1 - zoom out).
Public propertyZoomInOutFactor
Gets or sets the zoom in and out factor for ZoomIn and ZoomOut mode. The value must be bigger or equal than 1. This value is used for zoom in factor. The zoom out factor is calculated in GetZoomOutFactor method as 1 / zoom factor (can be overridden in derived class).
Public propertyZoomMode
Gets or sets the current zoom mode of the ZoomPanel.
See Also