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ZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection Methods

The ZoomPanelZoomPanelHistoryItemsCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddItem
Adds a new ZoomPanelHistoryItem to the history items collection.
Public methodClear
Clears all the saved history items.
Public methodGetItem
Returns a ZoomPanelHistoryItem with the specified itemIndex (0: the latest (newest) item, (ItemsCount - 1): the last (oldest) item)
Public methodMoveBack
Goes to the previous (older) history item.
Public methodMoveNext
Goes to the next (newer) history item.
Public methodResume
Resumes saving and navigating history items. Call Suspend method to resume saving and navigating history items.
Public methodSuspend
Suspends saving and navigating history items. Call Resume method to resume saving and navigating history items.
See Also