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SvgViewbox Methods

The SvgViewbox type exposes the following members.

Protected methodOnCreateAutomationPeer
Returns class-specific AutomationPeer implementations for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure.
(Overrides UIElementOnCreateAutomationPeer.)
Protected methodOnSvgFileLoaded
OnSvgFileLoaded is called after the svg file has been read. The method can be overriden in derived class.
Protected methodOnSvgFileLoading
OnSvgFileLoading is called before the svg file is read. The method can be overridden in derived class.
Protected methodReadSvg(Uri) Obsolete.
Reads svg file from sourceUri. This method can be overridden to provide reading svg files from some other source.
Protected methodReadSvg(Uri, Stream)
Reads svg file from sourceUri or sourceStream. This method can be overridden to provide reading svg files from some other source.
See Also