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Animator3ds Properties

The Animator3ds type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnimationDuration
Gets or sets the time in second how long will the whole animation be playing (once from the first to the last frame). Setting this value also changes ModelFramesPerSecond accordingly.
Public propertyAutoRepeat
Gets or set if the animation should automatically repeat itself or not. Default value is true.
Public propertyAutoReverse
Gets or sets if animation should go backwards when coming to the last frame or should it start from beginning. Default value is false.
Public propertyAverageFramesPerSecond
Gets the average rendered frames per second. The value is calculated from the data in the last played animation.
Public propertyLastFrame
Gets the last rendered frame number
Public propertyModelFramesPerSecond
Gets or sets how many 3ds file frames per second are played - faster (bigger value) or slower (smaller value) animation. Setting ModelFramesPerSecond also changes AnimationDuration accordingly. Note that this is not the same as rendered frames per second that means more or less smooth animation. Default value is 10
See Also