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AxesBoxVisual3DAxisShowingStrategies Enumeration

AxisShowingStrategies enum defines the possible strategies that are used by the AxisShowingStrategy property.

Namespace: Ab3d.Visuals
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public enum AxisShowingStrategies
Member nameValueDescription
None0 AxesBoxVisual3D will not automatically show and hide axes.
FrontFacingPlanes1 AxesBoxVisual3D will automatically show and hide axes so that the axes that define front facing planes will be shown.
LeftmostAxis2 AxesBoxVisual3D will automatically show and hide axes so that only vertical (ZAxis) that is furthest to the left on the screen is shown.
RightmostAxis3 AxesBoxVisual3D will automatically show and hide axes so that only vertical (ZAxis) that is furthest to the right on the screen is shown.
See Also