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BaseTargetRect3DCamera Class

BaseTargetRect3DCamera is a base class for cameras that look at the target Rect3D (SceneCamera and ThirdPersonCamera).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.Cameras
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public class BaseTargetRect3DCamera : BaseTargetPositionCamera

The BaseTargetRect3DCamera type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbsoluteDistance Gets a distance from the camera to the Camera's target position - the value is an absolute value regardless of IsDistancePercent property.
Public propertyIsDistancePercent Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the Distance property is specified in percentage or absolute value.
Public propertyIsDynamicTarget Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies if the Camera is constantly (CompositionTarget.Rendering event) monitoring the position and size of the TargetRect3D and move the camera according to the change.
Protected methodBaseCreateFrom This method is called from CreateFrom method and actually sets the properties on this camera.
(Overrides SphericalCameraBaseCreateFrom(Camera))
Protected methodCheckTargetRect3D Checks if TargetRect was changed - in this case update the camera
Protected methodForceRefresh Forces a refresh of the camera.
(Overrides SphericalCameraForceRefresh)
Protected methodGetTargetRect3D Gets the value of TargetRect3DProperty
Protected methodStatic memberIsDynamicTargetPropertyChanged IsDynamicTargetPropertyChanged
Protected methodSetCameraForTargetRect Updates the TargetPosition based on the targetRect3D
Protected methodSetCameraPosition(ProjectionCamera) Sets the camera position on cameraToUpdate based on the TargetPosition - overridden to use the IsDistancePercent property
(Overrides BaseTargetPositionCameraSetCameraPosition(ProjectionCamera))
Protected methodSetCameraPosition(ProjectionCamera, Rect3D) Sets the camera position on cameraToUpdate based on the targetRect as Rect3D
Protected methodSetTargetRect3D Sets the value of TargetRect3DProperty
Protected methodStatic memberTargetRect3DPropertyChanged TargetRect3DPropertyChanged
Protected methodUnsubscribeRenderingEvent Unsubscribe to Rendering event
(Overrides BaseCameraUnsubscribeRenderingEvent)
Protected methodUpdateCamera Updates the PerspectiveCamera
(Overrides BaseTargetPositionCameraUpdateCamera(ProjectionCamera))
Public fieldStatic memberIsDistancePercentProperty IsDistancePercentProperty
Public fieldStatic memberIsDynamicTargetProperty IsDynamicTargetProperty
Protected fieldisTargetRectDirty If true the targetRect3D was changed - the camera need to be updated
Public fieldStatic memberTargetRect3DProperty TargetRect3DProperty
See Also