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AnimationController Properties

The AnimationController type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnimationNodes Gets a list of AnimationNodeBase object that are animated by this AnimationController.
Public propertyAnimationStartTime Gets a DateTime that specifies the start time of the animation (when the StartAnimation(Boolean) or StartAnimation(Double, Boolean)method was called). If animation is not started a DateTime.MinValue is returned.
Public propertyAutoRepeat Gets or set if the animation should automatically repeat itself or not. Default value is false.
Public propertyAutoReverse Gets or sets if animation should go backwards when coming to the last frame or should it start from beginning. Default value is false.
Public propertyAutoStopAnimation Gets or sets if animation is automatically stopped (calling StopAnimation method) when the animation is completed. Animation can be completed only when AutoRepeat property is false. In case AutoRepeat and AutoReverse are false the animation is completed when the LastFrameNumber is reached; when AutoReverse is true, the animation is completed when the first frame is reached again (after reversing back from the last frame). The property is used only only when StartAnimation(Boolean) or StartAnimation(Double, Boolean) method is called without parameters or with subscribeToRenderingEvent parameter set to true. Default value is true.
Public propertyCurrentFrameNumber Gets the frame number where this animation controller currently is - the same as frameNumber parameter in the last call to GoToFrame(Double) method.
Public propertyFirstFrameNumber Gets the first defined frame number for this AnimationController. This number is calculated each time with going though all AnimationNodes.
Public propertyFramesPerSecond Gets or sets a double value that specifies for how many frames per second animation advances. This does not change the rendering but the speed of animation. The frame numbers are not related to rendering frames but are defined in the KeyFrameBase and derived objects.
Public propertyIsAnimating Gets a Boolean that specifies if animation is currently running (was started and is not paused).
Public propertyIsAnimationPaused Gets a Boolean that specifies if animation was started and and is currently paused.
Public propertyIsAnimationStarted Gets a Boolean that specifies if animation was started and is not yet stopped (also returns true if animation is paused).
Public propertyLastFrameNumber Gets the last defined frame number for this AnimationController. This number is calculated each time with going though all AnimationNodes.
See Also