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PixelEffect Properties

The PixelEffect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsCircularPixel Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies if pixels are rendered as circle instead of square. This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. Default value is false.
Public propertyIsWorldSize Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies if pixel size is specified in 3D world coordinates (true) or in screen coordinates (false). This value is used when the object does not provide a PixelMaterial. Default value is false.
Public propertyOverridePixelColor Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if PixelColor is used regardless of the color defined in the material.
Public propertyPixelColor Gets or sets a Color4 value that specifies the color of the pixel that is used when the color is not specified by the material.
Public propertyPixelSize Gets or sets a float value that specifies the size of the pixel that is used when the size is not specified by the material.
Public propertyRequiredInputLayoutType Gets the input layout that is required to render this effect.
(Overrides EffectRequiredInputLayoutType)
See Also