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RenderingContextRegisterBackBufferMapping Method

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Public methodRegisterBackBufferMapping(BackBufferReadyEventHandler) RegisterBackBufferMapping method is used to register a specified callback delegate that is called only once when the next frame is rendered. The render frame is also rendered into a special staging back buffer and that buffer is mapped so it can be accessed by the CPU (copied into main memory). This method creates an ad-hoc staging back buffer that is disposed after the stagingBackBufferMappedCallback is called. If you want to get multiple frames or specify your own staging back buffer the use the RegisterBackBufferMapping(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, BackBufferReadyEventHandler) method.
Public methodRegisterBackBufferMapping(Texture2D, Texture2DDescription, BackBufferReadyEventHandler) RegisterBackBufferMapping registers the FinalBackBuffer to be accessable to the main memory. This is done with specifying the stagingBackBuffer that is used as intermediate buffer that can be mapped and then accessed by the CPU. The stagingBackBuffer must be created with Usage set to Staging and CpuAccessFlags set to Read. When the stagingBackBuffer is ready to be accessed (is mapped), the stagingBackBufferMappedCallback delegate is called.
See Also