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RenderingStatistics Methods

The RenderingStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone Returns a new RenderingStatistics with the same values as this RenderingStatistics.
Public methodCopy Copies the values from this RenderingStatistics to targetRenderingStatistics.
Public methodEndFrame EndFrame stops the timer.
Public methodReportDrawCall Increased the DrawCallsCount by one and DrawnIndicesCount by drawnIndicesCount. This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread.
Public methodReportDrawCalls Increased the DrawCallsCount by drawCallsCount and DrawnIndicesCount by drawnIndicesCount. This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread.
Public methodReportStateChanges Adds state changes statistics from the contextStatesManager. This method is automatically called from EndFrame(RenderingContext) for the main ContextStatesManager but needs to be called from the ContextStatesManager used in background threads. This method needs to be called from the main thread.
Public methodResetTimerValues Sets all timer values to 0
Public methodStartNewFrame StartNewFrame resets all the values in RenderingStatistics and start timer for new frame.
See Also