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DXDevice Methods

The DXDevice type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateBlendState(BlendStateDescription) CreateBlendState returns a BlendState from BlendStateDescription.
Public methodCreateBlendState(BlendOption, BlendOption) CreateBlendState returns a BlendState from sourceBlend and destinationBlend and operation set to Add for RGB channels (alpha values blend are added together).
Public methodCreateConstantBuffer CreateConstantBuffer returns a Buffer that represents a constants buffer.
Public methodCreateDepthStencilBuffer CreateDepthStencilBuffer returns a Texture2D that represents a DepthStencilBuffer with the specified size, multisample description and format
Public methodCreateDepthStencilState CreateDepthStencilState returns a DepthStencilState
Public methodCreateDepthStencilView(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, String) CreateDepthStencilView returns a DepthStencilView with the specified size and multisample description
Public methodCreateDepthStencilView(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Format, String) CreateDepthStencilView returns a DepthStencilView with the specified size, multisample description and format
Public methodStatic memberCreateDevice CreateDevice creates DirectX device with specified parameters. This method correctly handles device creation when featureLevels array contains Level_11_1 but that runtime is not installed on the system (for example on Windows 7 SP 1 without Platform Update). If device cannot be created an exception is thrown or null is returned.
Public methodCreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, String) CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer creates a DXScene that will be using BackBuffer (instead of SwapChain) to render its content to.
Public methodCreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, Boolean, String) CreateDXSceneWithBackBuffer creates a DXScene that will be using BackBuffer (instead of SwapChain) to render its content to.
Public methodCreateDXSceneWithSwapChain CreateDXSceneWithSwapChain creates a DXScene that is using SwapChain to show its content.
Public methodCreateRasterizerState CreateRasterizerState returns a RasterizerState.
Public methodCreateSamplerState CreateSamplerState returns a SamplerState
Public methodCreateSwapChain(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, SampleDescription) CreateSwapChain returns a SwapChain for the specified window handle, size and multisample description.
Public methodCreateSwapChain(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, SwapEffect) CreateSwapChain returns a SwapChain for the specified window handle, size and multisample description.
Public methodCreateTexture2D(Texture2DDescription) CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D.
Public methodCreateTexture2D(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D with standard format (defined by StandardBufferFormat).
Public methodCreateTexture2D(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Format) CreateTexture2D returns a buffer as Texture2D.
Public methodCreateTexture2DDescription(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) CreateTexture2DDescription returns a Texture2DDescription that can be used to create a back buffer with standard format (defined by StandardBufferFormat).
Public methodCreateTexture2DDescription(Int32, Int32, SampleDescription, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Format) CreateTexture2DDescription returns a Texture2DDescription that can be used to create a back buffer.
Public methodDisposeWithDXDevice DisposeWithDXDevice method adds the specified disposable object to the list of objects that will be disposed when this DXDevice will be disposed.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSystemAdapters Returns all Adapter1 that are supported on the system.
Public methodGetUsedMultisamplingDescription GetUsedMultisamplingDescription returns a SampleDescription from specified multisampleCount
Public methodInitializeDevice InitializeDevice creates the DirectX device if it was not yet created.
Public methodIsAnyDXSceneRegistered Gets true if any DXScene is using this DXDevice. Else returns false.
Public methodIsUsingDefaultSystemAdapter Returns true if the default system adapter is used.
See Also