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CommonUtils Methods

The CommonUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCompareMatricesFast CompareMatricesFast compares two matrices and returns true if they are the same.
Public methodStatic memberGetPositionFromVertexBufferT Gets a single position from the specified vertex buffer array. If vertex buffer type is not supported (not defined by DXEngine) then an exception is thrown. To get 3 positions use the GetPositionsFromVertexBufferT(T, Int32, Int32, Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) method.
Public methodStatic memberGetPositionsFromVertexBufferT Gets 3 positions from the specified vertex buffer array. If vertex buffer type is not supported (not defined by DXEngine) then an exception is thrown. To get a single position use the GetPositionFromVertexBufferT(T, Int32) method.
Public methodStatic memberGetTextureSize GetTextureSize returns size of a ShaderResourceView.
See Also