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BoxVisual3D Properties

The BoxVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCenterPosition Gets or sets the box center position
Public propertyFreezeMeshGeometry3D Gets or sets a Boolean that specifes if the Box's MeshGeometry3D is frozen. This can greatly improve performance when many BoxVisual3D objects are generated. It is recommended that this property is set before other properties. The default value is true.
Public propertySize Gets or sets the size of the box
Public propertyUseCachedMeshGeometry3D Gets or sets a boolean that specifies if cached MeshGeometry3D is used to create the Model3D. In that case the position and size of the Model3D is specified with with using transformations on the cached mesh. This mode can be used only where XCellsCount = YCellsCount = ZCellsCount = 1. If false then a new MeshGeometry3D is created for every BoxVisual3D.
Public propertyXCellsCount Gets or sets the number of cells in X direction
Public propertyYCellsCount Gets or sets the number of cells in Y direction
Public propertyZCellsCount Gets or sets the number of cells in Z direction
See Also