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AxisWithOverlayLabelsVisual3D Properties

The AxisWithOverlayLabelsVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjustFirstLabelPosition When true, then the first label is moved up to prevent overlapping the first label with adjacent axis. The amount of movement is calculated by multiplying font size and LabelXAdjustmentFactor (0.25 by default) or LabelYAdjustmentFactor (0.5 by default). Default value is false.
Public propertyAdjustLastLabelPosition When true, then the last label is moved down to prevent overlapping the last label with adjacent axis. The amount of movement is calculated by multiplying font size and LabelXAdjustmentFactor (0.25 by default) or LabelYAdjustmentFactor (0.5 by default). Default value is false.
Public propertyIsRenderingTickLinesOnOverlay Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if tick lines are rendered to Overlay as 2D lines. When true (by default) then thick lines are rendered as 2D lines on the Overlay Canvas. When false the tick lines are rendered as 3D lines.
Public propertyOverlayCanvas Gets or sets a Canvas that will show the axis numbers
See Also