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CameraNavigationCircles Properties

The CameraNavigationCircles type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAxisCircleRadius CircleRadius defines the radius of the axis circles. When zero, then the radius is calculated by multiplying FontSize by 0.7. Default value is 0.
Public propertyAxisClickAnimationDuration Gets or sets a double value that specifies duration in seconds of the camera animation that is started when user clicks on axis circle. When the value is 0, then camera change is immediate and not animated. When the value is less then 0, then plane clicking is disabled (but the AxisClicked event is still triggered). Default value is 0.3 seconds.
Public propertyAxisTextSize AxisTextSize defines the font size of the axis text. When AxisCircleRadius is zero (by default), then this also changes the radius of the axis circles. Default value is 13.
Public propertyAxisType AxisType defines how the axis lines are shown. Default value is Lines that shows standard lines without arrows.
Public propertyBackgroundCircleBrush BackgroundCircleBrush defines the Brush that is used for the background circle. Default value is semi-transparent light gray (#66CCCCCC).
Public propertyBackgroundCircleVisibility BackgroundCircleVisibility defines when the background circle is visible. Default value is OnMouseOver.
Public propertyContent Content
Public propertyIsCameraRotationEnabled IsCameraRotationEnabled defines if camera rotation is enabled when user drags the mouse with left mouse button when over the CameraNavigationCircles. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsRotateToAxisEnabled IsRotateToAxisEnabled defines if camera is rotated to the selected axis when user clicks on it. Default value is true.
Public propertyModifierKeyForOppositeAxis Gets or sets a modifier key that will rotate to the opposite axis when clicked on axis. Default value is Shift. This means that if user holds down Shift key and clicks on +X axis, the camera will rotate to -X axis. To disable this functionality set this property to None.
Public propertyModifierKeyToPreserveAttitude Gets or sets a modified key that will preserve the Attitude angle when clicked on a horizontal axis (X and Y in the common setup). Default value is Control. This means that if user holds down Control key and clicks on +X axis, the camera will rotate to X axis while preserving the existing Attitude (will not set Attitude to zero). To disable this functionality set this property to None.
Public propertyNegativeAxisCircleFillBrush NegativeAxisCircleFillBrush defines the Fill Brush for the axis circles on the negative axes (-x, -y, -z). When the Brush is null, then the color of the axis is used (each axis circle is colored by the color of the axis). Default value is White brush with 80% opacity.
Public propertyNegativeAxisCircleVisibility NegativeAxisCircleVisibility defines when the axis circles for the negative axes (-x, -y, -z) are shown. Default value is Always.
Public propertyNegativeAxisNameVisibility PositiveAxisNameNegativeAxisNameVisibilityVisibility defines when the axis names ("X", "Y", "Z") for the negative axes (-x, -y, -z) are shown. Default value is OnMouseOver.
Public propertyNegativeAxisTextBrush NegativeAxisTextBrush defines the color of the axis name on the negative axes (-x, -y, -z). When the Brush is null, then the color of the axis is used (each axis circle is colored by the color of the axis). Default value is Black.
Public propertyPositiveAxisCircleFillBrush PositiveCircleFillBrush defines the Fill Brush for the axis circles on the positive axes (+x, +y, +z). When the Brush is null, then the color of the axis is used (each axis circle is colored by the color of the axis). Default value is null.
Public propertyPositiveAxisCircleVisibility PositiveAxisCircleVisibility defines when the axis circles for the positive axes (+x, +y, +z) are shown. Default value is Always.
Public propertyPositiveAxisNameVisibility PositiveAxisNameVisibility defines when the axis names ("X", "Y", "Z") for the positive axes (+x, +y, +z) are shown. Default value is Always.
Public propertyPositiveAxisTextBrush PositiveAxisTextBrush defines the color of the axis name on the positive axes (+x, +y, +z). When the Brush is null, then the color of the axis is used (each axis circle is colored by the color of the axis). Default value is Black.
Public propertyShowOppositeAxisWhenClickedOnCurrentAxis When true (by default), then when user clicks on an existing axis (the one in the center), then the camera will rotate to the opposite axis.
Public propertyXAxisColor Gets the color of X axis. To change the color, call the CustomizeAxes method. Default value is Colors.Red.
Public propertyYAxisColor Gets the color of Y axis. To change the color, call the CustomizeAxes method. Default value is Colors.ForestGreen.
Public propertyZAxisColor Gets the color of Z axis. To change the color, call the CustomizeAxes method. Default value is Colors.RoyalBlue.
See Also