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HeightMapVisual3DUseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates Property

When UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates is true, then height values are used for texture coordinates - texture coordinate (0, 0.5) is set the minimum height value and texture coordinate (1, 0.5) is set to the maximum height value. This requires a one dimensional gradient texture and usually produces more accurate results than when UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates is false. When false (by default) then texture coordinates are generated as fraction of x and y position - texture coordinate (0, 0) is used for the first position and (1, 1) for the last position. This requires a two dimensional texture where each pixel in the texture represents the color for the point in the height map. Because pixels are actually squares this does not interpolate the colors as good as when UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates is true. In another worlds: when true, then height values are interpolated between height map positions, when false colors from height values are interpolated between height map positions. When using a custom texture (for example a satellite image) then this property must be set to false.

Namespace: Ab3d.Visuals
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public bool UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates { get; set; }

Property Value

See Also