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MouseCameraControllerRotationCenterAdorner Property

Gets or sets a CameraTargetPositionAdorner that is used to show the position around which the camera is rotating. This adorner is shown only when ShowRotationCenterMarker is set to true. When this property is not set, a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner is used.

Namespace: Ab3d.Controls
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public CameraTargetPositionAdorner RotationCenterAdorner { get; set; }

Property Value


RotationCenterAdorner gets or sets a CameraTargetPositionAdorner that is used to show the position around which the camera is rotating.

This adorner is shown only when ShowRotationCenterMarker is set to true. When this property is not set, a new instance of CameraTargetPositionAdorner is used.

To customize the size and colors of CameraTargetPositionAdorner, create a new instace of CameraTargetPositionAdorner and then change the properties that define the size and color of CameraTargetPositionAdorner (those properties must be set before the adorner is shown).

To show different shape create a new class that is derived from CameraTargetPositionAdorner and override the OnRender method. Another option to show custom shape is to derive your own class from MouseCameraController and override ShowRotationAdorner(Point) and HideRotationAdorner methods.

See Also