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LineSelectorDataCalculateScreenSpacePositions Method

Overload List
Public methodCalculateScreenSpacePositions(BaseCamera) CalculateScreenSpacePositions method converts the 3D line positions into 2D positions that can be used for calculating distance to specified 2D position. This method must be called before GetClosestDistance(Point) or GetClosestDistance(Point, Int32) can be called. This method can be called only on the UI thread. To call this method in multiple threads, use the method override that takes Matrix3D and Transform3D as parameters.
Public methodCalculateScreenSpacePositions(Matrix3D, Transform3D) CalculateScreenSpacePositions method converts the 3D line positions into 2D positions that can be used for calculating distance to specified 2D position. This method must be called before GetClosestDistance(Point) or GetClosestDistance(Point, Int32) can be called. This method takes a reference to a worldToViewport Matrix and an optional Transform3D and can be called on any thread.
See Also