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Ab3d.Meshes Namespace

Ab3d.Meshes namespace provide classes that create MeshGeometry3D objects for some basic 3D objects.
Public classArrowMesh3D ArrowMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D arrow created from cylinder and cone.
Public classBooleanMesh3D BooleanMesh3D class can be used to create a MeshGeometry3D with using Boolean operations. The BooleanMesh3D caches the internal objects and is therefore much faster then MeshBooleanOperations class when using multiple Boolean operations on one mash. Also the MeshGeometry3D is not generated after each Boolean operation but only after the user calls the Geometry property getter.
Public classBoxMesh3D BoxMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D box.
Public classCircleMesh3D CircleMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D circle.
Public classConeMesh3D ConeMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D cone.
Public classCylinderMesh3D CircleMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D circle.
Public classDirectedPyramidMesh3D DirectedPyramidMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D pyramid that is defined by the direction vector that goes from the center of the bottom rectangle to the top of the pyramid.
Public classHeightMapMesh3D HeightMapMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D height map. The y value (height) of each 3D position is calculated with the following: yPos = centerPosition.Y + heightDataValue * size.Y. This means that centerPosition.Y value defines the Y value of the 0 data value. size.Y value defines the scale factor for all data values.
Public classIcosphereMesh3D IcosphereMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D sphere that that consists of equally sized triangles.
Public classLatheMesh3D LatheMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D object that is created with rotating the shape defined with sections and positioned from specified start and end position.
Public classMesh3DFactory Mesh3DFactory class contains static methods that can create MeshGeometry3D objects from 2D objects.
Public classPlaneMesh3D PlaneMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D plane.
Public classPyramidMesh3D PyramidMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D pyramid.
Public classSphereMesh3D SphereMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D sphere.
Public classSphericalZoneMesh3D SphericalZoneMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a spherical surface included between two parallel planes (the planes are defined by zoneStartAngle and zoneEndAngle)
Public classTorusKnotMesh3D Torus knot is a special kind of knot that lies on the surface of an unknotted torus. Similarly, a torus link is a link which lies on the surface of a torus in the same way. Each torus knot is specified by a pair of coprime integers p and q. A torus link arises if p and q are not coprime. A torus knot is trivial (equivalent to the unknot) if and only if either p or q is equal to 1 or −1.
Public classTrapezoidMesh3D TrapezoidMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D trapezoid.
Public classTubeLineMesh3D TubeLineMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D line from StartPosition to EndPosition created with 3D tube.
Public classTubeMesh3D TubeMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents a 3D tube. A tube is a 3D object that can have different inner and outer radius on both top and bottom. This class can produce optimized tubes in two cases: 1) when Height is zero, it produces circle with a hole; 2) when both inner radius are zero, it produces cylinder.
Public classTubePathMesh3D TubePathMesh3D class is used to create MeshGeometry3D that represents 3D tubes that follow the specified path.
Public structureLatheSection LatheSection defines one section with specifiying Offset, Radius and IsSharpEdge.
Public interfaceIMesh3D Interface used for all meshes that define the Geometry property
Public enumerationExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType defines the types of texture coordinates generation that are available when using CreateExtrudedMeshGeometry.