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BaseAxisWithLabelsVisual3DSetCustomMajorTickValues Method

SetCustomMajorTickValues method sets custom double values that represents custom major tick values. The tick values should be between MinimumValue and MaximumValue (values outside of this range will not be shown). The values define the text for the shown labels (when custom labels are not used) and also define the positions of the major tick lines and value labels - if the value is in the middle between MinimumValue and MaximumValue, the tick and label will be also shown in the middle between AxisStartPosition and AxisEndPosition. When customMajorTickValues is null, then major thick lines and value labels will not be shown.

Namespace: Ab3d.Visuals
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public void SetCustomMajorTickValues(
	double[] customMajorTickValues


customMajorTickValues  Double
array of double values that represents custom major tick values
See Also