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Line3DFactoryCreateMultiPolyLine3D(ListPoint3DCollection, Double, Color, LineCap, LineCap, Double, Viewport3D) Method

Creates multiple poly lines from a list of Point3DCollection.

Namespace: Ab3d.Models
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public static GeometryModel3D CreateMultiPolyLine3D(
	List<Point3DCollection> position3DCollections,
	double thickness,
	Color color,
	LineCap startLineCap,
	LineCap endLineCap,
	double miterLimit,
	Viewport3D parentViewport3D


position3DCollections  ListPoint3DCollection
list of Point3DCollection
thickness  Double
line thickness in screen coordinates
color  Color
line color
startLineCap  LineCap
LineCap that is used for start position of each line
endLineCap  LineCap
LineCap that is used for end position of each line
miterLimit  Double
double value that specifies how long the edge can be before it is turned into a beveled edge (specified in number of thicknesses)
parentViewport3D  Viewport3D
parent Viewport3D

Return Value

GeometryModel3D that defines the 3D polyline
See Also