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SphericalCameraRotateFor Method

Animates the camera rotation with changing the Camera's Heading and Attitude for the specified amount. The animation takes animationDurationInMilliseconds and uses easingFunction.

Namespace: Ab3d.Cameras
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public void RotateFor(
	double changedHeading,
	double changedAttitude,
	int animationDurationInMilliseconds = 0,
	Func<double, double> easingFunction = null


changedHeading  Double
Camera's Heading change
changedAttitude  Double
Camera's Attitude change
animationDurationInMilliseconds  Int32  (Optional)
duration of animation in milliseconds
easingFunction  FuncDouble, Double  (Optional)
easing function (see Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions for different easing functions). When null linear interpolation is used.
See Also