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ReaderSvg Fields

The ReaderSvg type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAfterWpfObjectCreatedCallback
AfterWpfObjectCreatedCallback can be used to provide a way to customize WPF objects that are created with ReaderSvg from svg elements. See remarks for more info.
Public fieldBeforeWpfObjectCreatedCallback
BeforeWpfObjectCreatedCallback can be used to provide a way to create custom WPF objects from svg elements. See remarks for more info.
Public fieldGetCustomSvgElementNameCallback
GetCustomSvgElementNameCallback can be used to provide custom naming of WPF objects created from svg elements. The object names are written into NamedObjects dictionary. Note that when IsCorrectingNamesForWpf or MakeNamesUnique are true, the name can be corrected after calling the GetCustomSvgElementNameCallback. Also names used for XAML are always corrected.
See Also